Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Nonsense as an art form

Talking about Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, I just recall that Sumit Bhttacharya from work picked up an amazingly good deal for the book, hardbound. And at the same Strand book fair where I got my Minsky. He is reading it now.

A couple of days ago I am shooting the breeze with him: “Man! Isn’t the guy mad?! Adams is not even pretending to make sense. No attempt to make subtle metaphor. No nothing. The entire H2G2 thing is one roller-coaster ride into complete nonsense. And yet all of it eventually makes him a genius. And deservingly too!”

Sumit cuts the gushing: “Douglas Adams is to sci-fi what Frank Zappa is to music.”

Wow! That is it! Well put buddy!

Adams and Zappa must be some kind of cosmic brothers. Cool! Huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sir, how i will sleep tonight after this wondrous comparison is a mystery. zappa and douglas will probably sleep together.

2:06 pm  

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